Members of The Consortium
The WOOL2LOOP consortium is a well-balanced team consisting of 15 partners including 6 SMEs, 4 large companies, 1 NGO, and 3 research organisations. The industrial relevance of the project is enhanced by the consortium's strategic decision to select a large enterprise, Saint-Gobain Finland, to be the Coordinator of the project. The industrial partners involved cover the value chain from waste sourcing to the production, distribution and reuse of the novel products.
Saint-Gobain Finland Oy
Saint-Gobain Finland Oy designs, manufactures and distributes materials and solutions which are key ingredients in the wellbeing of each of us and the future of all. They can be found everywhere in our living places and our daily life. Business activities and brands of Saint-Gobain Finland Oy are: insulation (ISOVER), gypsum (Gyproc) and industrial mortars (Weber). Saint-Gobain Finland Oy is a part of Saint-Gobain corporation (www.saint-gobain.com) with over 179 000 employees, over 100 nationalities and activities in 67 countries. Our strategy on Construction Products Sector is based on combining the people's comfort and sustainability in the built environment including our own operations. Main causes we work on sustainability are de-carbonisation, circular economy and well-being of people in real estate and construction sector.
Oulu University
Oulu University is a multidisciplinary university with 16,000 students and over 3,000 employees located in the north of Finland. The university has ten faculties, which range from humanities and medicine to business, science and technology. Oulu University has a proven track record of participating in the EU Framework programmes throughout their evolution. Since FP4, Oulu University has been a part of more than 250 projects and networks, of which over 30 have been coordinated by the university. University of Oulu has currently some 45 on-going H2020 projects. Oulu University is also a core partner within EIT KIC Raw Materials. The Fiber and Particle Engineering Unit led by Prof Mirja Illikainen carries out research in the field of inorganic materials in circular economy as well as biomaterials and biochemicals. The unit consists of three professors, three senior research scientists, 23 doctoral students and 15 postdocs. Research is conducted in close collaboration with industrial companies.

Ecophon Aktiebolag - Sweden
Saint-Gobain Ecophon AB is the leading supplier of acoustic solutions, and contribute to healthier indoor environments, improving quality of life, wellbeing and working performance. As evolution has adapted the human senses to a life outdoors, the focus is to bring the ideal acoustic environments of nature into our modern indoor spaces.
The principles guiding the work at Ecophon are grounded in the Swedish heritage, where a human approach and a common responsibility for people's lives and future challenges come naturally.
Ecophon is part of the Saint-Gobain Group, a world leader in sustainable habitat solutions. This is also one of the top 100 industrial groups in the world, constantly innovating to make living spaces more comfortable and cost-efficient. Saint-Gobain offer solutions to the major challenges of energy efficiency and environmental protection. No matter what new needs emerge in the habitat and construction markets, the future is made of Saint-Gobain.

Timegate Instruments Oy - Finland
Timegate Instruments Oy has been established at the beginning of April 2014 as a start-up company with a technology basis from University of Oulu and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Timegate Instruments Oy is an analytical instrument manufacturer for material identification, concentration quantification and quality control devices. Its patented Timegated Raman technology radically improves the measurement performance and opens up new markets where Raman has not been applicable before.

Zavod Za Gradbenistvo Slovenije - Slovenia
ZAG (Slovenian national Building and Civil Engineering Institute) is Slovenia's national building and civil engineering institute. It is public, non-profit, state owned body. Its main activities include fundamental and applied research, development of new methods of testing and measurement, certification and attestation of conformity of products, training of research and technical staff in particular technical fields, participation in the preparation of technical codes and standards. ZAG has 194 employees, including 85 researchers with university qualifications and academic titles. ZAG comprises 16 laboratories and sections, equipped with advanced laboratory infrastructure which provides for quality performance in individual fields of activity. Main research focus is put on i)-synthesis of new materials (organ-inorganic composites, materials for restoration of the cultural heritage, nano self-cleaning coating...), ii) secondary raw materials (industrial waste, CDW), iii) degradation processes (corrosion of metals, degradation processes in stone, concrete and ceramics, freezing, microbial deterioration...), and iv) energy efficiency and LC/LCC analysis.

Termit D.D - Slovenia
Termit d.d. is a mining company dealing with the production and processing of quartz sands and auxiliary materials mainly used in casting industry. The quartz sand is being mined in open pits. Termit d.d. was established in 1960 and has long tradition in the field of planning, production and usage of silica sand and auxiliary materials for foundries and steelworks. The achieved level of successfulness of the company is realized through constant improvement of product quality. The company was awarded the ISO 9001 certificate in 1997, the ISO 14001 certificate in 2003 and the OHSAS 18001 certificate in 2007; these experiences are a guarantee that they will be able to perform their part of the project successfully. Company has own research group of 9 persons which constantly works on the improvement of regular products and technologies.

Cloverstrategy LDA - Portugal
CloverStrategy is a recently created company as a synergetic spin-off from researchers from the Centre for Functional Ecology (CFE) of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and the company DOSAPAC Scientia. As thus, CloverStrategy combines the experience of CFE-UC in applied research in soil quality assessment (using biological indicators); prospective risk assessment (addressed to the registration of phytosanitary compounds and its implementation in the market), and retrospective risk assessment in contaminated sites (mainly focused on the definition of recovery actions of degraded areas) with the experience of Dosapac Scientia, already established in the market in the with extensive experience in environment planning and management; evaluation, monitoring and modelling; covering environmental compartments such as air, soils, water, biota and human health; environmental due diligence; human health risk assessment; definition of remediation processes; real-time, remote monitoring networks.

Cware - Denmark
CWare is a start-up and dedicated to the sustainability agenda and green transition. We are involved in a number of EU research projects within circular economy related to the built environment and urban greening and resilience. We can assess green and societal impacts and assist in developing green business models and exploitation strategies. Our mission is to bring new innovative green ideas into life through collaboration and co-development.

Recycling Assistance BVBA - Belgium
Recycling Assistance BVBA is a consultancy agency specialised in demolition and recycling activities. Active since 2003. The owner, Johan D'Hooghe, has 20 years' experience in demolition and recycling of CDW. He is also member of the board of directors of the European Demolition Association (EDA).

Technische Universiteit Delft -The Netherlands
The Delft University of Technology is the oldest, largest, and most comprehensive technical university in the Netherlands. For Civil Structural Engineering, DUT is placed in the 7th position worldwide according to the QS World University Rankings in 2017.
With over 17,500 students and 2,500 scientists (including 200 professors), it is an establishment of both national importance and significant international standing. Renowned for its high standard of education and research, the University collaborates with other educational establishments and research institutes, both in the Netherlands and overseas. It also enjoys partnerships with governments, branch organizations, numerous consultancies, the industry, and companies from the small and medium business sectors. Delft University of Technology tries to discover problems and challenges in society, which with all its expertise, it can work towards solving. In short, it is society itself that defines our most important assignments. Today, social issues are becoming progressively complex - more and more often, they require a multidisciplinary approach. DUT wants to continue focusing on combining its own strengths, building more partnerships, and participating in both nationally and internationally recognized research programmes. In doing so, it will further reinforce its reputation as both a centre of excellence in the fields of education and research, and an 'interactive partner' in society, committed to answering its increasingly multifaceted demands, and initiating new changes to benefit people in the future.

XtreeE - France
XtreeE is leading technology and service provider for large-scale additive manufacturing applications within the construction industry. Since 2015, XtreeE has developed large-scale 3D printing equipment from its R&D headquarters in Paris, France. XtreeE's team brings together a vast array of complementary skills and experience (architecture, civil engineering, robotics, computer science, material science), which allows for a total control of the complete 3D printing production chain, from design to manufacturing, thus giving the ability to intervene at every step of an architecture or design project. XtreeE seeks to develop technologies making quality construction available to everyone, by renting/selling connected large-scale 3D printing systems using multiple materials.

Zavod 404 - Slovenia
Zavod 404 is an institution dedicated to research and development on new technologies and presenting the impacts of these technologies to the public.
It is a private, non-profit organization, operating since 2014 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. We currently have 5 employees, and our own laboratory workshop where we develop solutions in the field of customized 3D printing machines and IOT. The workshop is equipped with all the machines and tools needed for rapid prototyping and small batch production (CNC mill, laser cutter, lathes, welding stations, ...), in which we specialize. Currently we are developing 3D printing solutions for the pharmaceutical industry (custom drug formulation) and large-scale polymer 3D printers for the automotive industry. We also provide counselling for the Slovenian automotive industry cluster (ACS+) in the field of 3D printing of metals and use of additive technology.
Zavod 404 is also involved in promotion of STEAM based professions among Slovenian high schools and universities.

CRH Nederland BV - The Netherlands
CRH plc is a leading global diversified building materials group, employing 85.000 people at over 3.600 operating locations in 32 countries worldwide. CRH is the second largest building materials company worldwide and the largest in North America. The Group has leadership positions in Europe, where it is the largest heavyside materials business, as well as established strategic positions in the emerging economic regions of Asia and South America. CRH is committed to improve the built environment through the delivery of superior materials and products for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure, housing and commercial projects. CRH is leading the way through innovation to help shape the structures of the future, in collaboration with its valued customers and partners. Its Europe Heavyside's vertically integrated business also comprises aggregates, cement, lime, ready-mix concrete, concrete products operations and asphalt. Structural Concrete Belgium (Belgium) and Cementbouw (Netherlands) - both legal entities and fully owned by CRH - are part of the CRH Europe Materials cluster.

Tree Capital SP.Z.O.O. - Poland
Tree Capital Sp. z o.o. is a demolition company from Warsaw, Poland. The range of services we currently provide is broad and includes demolition of buildings, earthworks, crushing of concrete and hard-core, machine rental. We are trying to constantly expand our offer and invest in the quality of our services. Thanks to such decisions, we can present ourselves as one of the fastest growing companies in our industry.
We strive to put a lot of emphasis on a proper waste management and we are constantly looking for new solutions that could increase the use of construction waste, recycling and bring real benefits to the environment and our company.