In Media
- 8 May 2023, NPT proces technologie: WOOL2LOOP wijst de weg naar duurzamere bouwindustrie LINK
- 12 April 2023, CORDIS website: Results in brief LINK
- 9 March 2023, SRIP: Our partners from Termit and the Institute of Civil Engineering of Slovenia received a silver award for their work on the facade panels from waste mineral wool LINK
- May 2021, Slag valorisation symposium: A keynote speech presented by Barbara Horvat, LINK
- March 2021, LOOPS: An interview with Wool2Loop and Houseful, LINK
- February 2021, Mineral & Gradnja: Projekt WOOL2LOOP - uporaba odpadne mineralne volne, LINK
- December 2020, University of Oulu: Geopolymeeribetonia lattiavalussa, LINK
- September 2020, EDA: WOOL2LOOP: the Europe's first EU innovation project focused on the recovery of mineral wool waste from the construction industry, LINK
- September 2020, Gradbenik: the leading journal covering construction, architecture, building materials, equipment and construction machinery, LINK
- August 2020, Lundell Oy: Kiertotalouden mallitalo Lohjan asuntomessuille 2021, geopolymeeribetonilattiavalu. LINK: https://www.pyörre-talo.fi/mikaonpyorre
- June 2020, Mineral & Gradnja: Projekt Wool2Loop, LINK
- April 2020, Saint Gobain - verkkojulkaisu, LINK
- 9 December 2019, Uusiouutiset: Mineraalivillalle arvoketjuja: LINK
- 1 October 2019, Betoni-lehti: Ekologisten betoniteknologiainnovaatioiden kehittäminen arktisilla alueilla: LINK
- 5 June 2019, MTV: Anne Kaiser, Saint-Gobain Finland Oy, and Eelis Rytkönen, NCC Property Development, talking about circular economy (in Finnish): LINK
- 8 May 2019, Press Release:
Timegate: Circular economy innovation project utilizing mineral wool waste from building and demolition received significant EU funding, LINK, STT: Rakennusteollisuuden mineraalivillajätettä hyödyntävä kiertotalouden innovaatiohanke sai merkittävän EU-rahoituksen, LINK
- 31 January 2019, YLE: Mirja Illikainen, University of Oulu - an interview on circular economy (in Finnish): LINK
WOOL2LOOP Final Conference, 26th October 2022, Lisbon, Portugal & online
7th International Slag Valorisation Symposium, 27-29 April, online.

CoMS 20/21 Construction Materials, 20-21 April 2021, online.

Beyond 2020: World Sustainable Built Environment Conference, 2-4 November 2020, Gothenburg, Sweden. The event went virtual.

Waste Build 365: From Waste to Resource, 19 November 2020, webinar. Video recording can be found HERE. Presentations by Vilma Ducman, Majda Pavlin, Rawia Dabbebi, Rajeswari Ramaswamy, Zhenming Li, Irving Flores.

Kiertotaloutta rakentamassa, 9 September 2020, webinar. A presentation by Anne Kaiser.

EuroScience Open Forum, 5 September 2020, webinar. A presentation by Rajeswari Ramaswamy on: "Mineral wool waste back to loop with advanced sorting, pre-treatment and alkali activation (Wool2loop)" and by Vilma Ducman on: "Transforming Construction Waste into Energy Efficient Solutions"

RILEM 40th Cement and Concrete Science Conference, 4 September 2020, webinar. A presentation by Majda Pavlin on: "Early strength improvement of waste wool based alkali activated material".

Webinar: Introduction to EU funding, 14 April 2020. H2020 funding - research group perspective by Mirja Illikainen, University of Oulu and Saint-Gobain & H2020 - Wool2loop from coordinator's perspective by Anne Kaiser, Saint-Gobain.

RILEM Spring Convention 2020, 10-14 March 2020, Guimarães, Portugal. Conference presentation by Majda Pavlin: "Optimization of alkali-activated mineral wool mixture for panel production" (authors of the paper: Majda Pavlin, Ana Frankovič, Barbara Horvat and Vilma Ducman.

SMASCO19: 1st International conference on smart materials for sustainable construction, 10-12 December 2019, Luleå, Sweden. Conference paper: "Dissolution studies of glass wool and stone wool at alkaline pH" by Rajeswari Ramaswamy, University of Oulu.

Decembrski XR Meetup, 11 October 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Digital workshop speech by Rok Capuder from Zavod404.
European Days for Sustainable Circular Economy, 30 September - 1 October 2019, Helsinki, Finland

15th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, 16-20 September 2019, Prague, Czech Republic

The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Building Materials, ICSBM 2019, in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 12.-15 August 2019
Keynote speech: Prof. Mirja Illikainen, University of Oulu, on "Utilization of waste and residues in building materials"

XVI ECerS Conference, in Torino, Italy, 16-20 June 2019.
Speech: Vilma Ducman, ZAG, on "Geopolymers and AAM: standards and regulation "
World Circular Economy Forum 2019, side session, in Helsinki, Finland, 5 June 2019.
Speech: Juho Yliniemi, Oulu University, on "Mineraalivillajätteiden hyödyntäminen ekobetonin raaka-aineena"

Sustainable Built Environment conference (SBE), in Helsinki, Finland, 22-24 May 2019
Speech: Juho Yliniemi, Oulu University, on "Mineral wool waste-based geopolymers"

Rakennusjätteistä kohti kierrätysmateriaaleja, in Kuopio, Finland, 28 March 2019
Speeches: Anne Kaiser, Saint-Gobain Finland Oy, on "Uusiomateriaalien hyödyntäminen rakentamisessa - esteet ja mahdollisuudet", "Kierrätys ja kiertotalous rakennusmateriaalien toimittajan näkökulmasta"
and Juho Yliniemi, Oulu University, on "Mineraalivillajätteestä geopolymeerejä - korvaako betonin?"